Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Amaze-balls giveaway!

Hi all!  It's been forever since i have posted because I have been under a mound of books and student papers to grade.  I have temporarily emerged to bring you news of a fantastic giveaway!  Check out the link for your chance to win an ARC of Unravel, an ARC of Requie, (I'm dying for this book to come out), or an ARC of Shards and Ashes.  If that's isn't enough to warm your bookworm hearts, there is also a SIGN hardcover version of Divergent up for grabs.

Here's the link!  http://www.lindsaycummingsblog.blogspot.com/  Good luck!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Evolution of Mara Dyer

Wow!  I'm still breathless from the second installment of the FANTASTIC Mara Dyer series!  Fans of the first book will not be disappointed.  The book once again takes readers on a ride that leaves them with no idea of a destination.  Michelle Hodkin kicked it up a notch with this second book.  There is more of a mystery, more frights, and more romance.  A great deal more romance.  Some of the scenes between Noah and Mara were downright swoon worthy.  The connection evident between the two characters in the first book is even stronger in the second book.  Readers will wish for their own Noah who would be willing to follow them anywhere and protect them from everything the world might throw at them.

Readers can also take solace in the fact that many of the burning questions from the first book are resolved.  Of course, many new questions are raised.  The conclusion, once again, leaves you hungry for more.  I found myself reading the ending over and over again hoping that I was wrong somehow and that the book wasn't really over.  Alas, it was, and I am stuck waiting until next year for the final installment.

I was lucky enough to meet Michelle Hodkin on the day her book was released.  She assured all of us that we already had all the answers to the puzzle, we just didn't know it yet.  That really made me want to go back and reread the first book and see if I could piece together the mystery.  She also said that she is hard at work on the final book and almost has the first draft done.

I wish I could tell you more about The Evolution of Mara Dyer, but telling you anything, anything at all really, would be a big fat spoiler.  There wasn't a scene I could really tell you about that wouldn't give away something.  I can say that it is a must read for fans of Mara Dyer, YA literature, really just books in general.  Michelle Hodkin's words fly off the page and are a true delight to read.

Next Up: My next book is an ARC!  I am so excited to check out Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza and will be back soon with a review of it.

Happy Reading!

Remember, life is too short for bad books!


Welcome!  I've decided to start a YA book review blog because I'm obsessed with YA literature and helping my friends, family, and students to find new books to read.  I will be reviewing books new and old and hopefully some ARCs!  I have a HUGE stack of books on my nightstand so expect my reviews to come flying in.  I'm very excited to share my first review of The Evolution of Mara Dyer!  Be on the look out, it should be posted soon!

Happy Reading!